Decorating mugs at Mogo Public School

A collection of photos showing students at Mogo Public School decorating cups using nail polish.

The process begins with a shallow container of water. A small amount of nail polish is poured into the water, one or many colours may be used.
The cup is lowered into the container and lifted back out, leaving a wonderful pattern on the cup.

To decorate the cup, you will need:

  • 1 x plain cup/mug
  • Nail polish x2 colours
  • Warm water
  • Nail polish remover
  • Shallow container


  1. Place warm water into a shallow container
  2. Pour a small amount of each nail polish into water, being careful to keep it in the centre of the container
  3. Place the cup gently into the water and roll into nail polish
  4. Remove cup from water
  5. Use nail polish remover to remover excess nail polish
  6. Allow to dry
Story Submitted by Bree-anne Moreton from Mogo Public School. Published in 2015.